Thursday, November 17, 2011

Share and Voice 2!

For this share and voice I found a video relating to the environment. It was put up by the oil company
Chevron and talks about how their company is working to find a way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

In this video they talk about a proposed solution to reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. What they propose is a program in which various industries and refineries send all their CO2 emissions to a compressor in which the CO2 is converter into liquid. From there the liquid is to be pumped deep underground. Though this could have positive effects on climate in the short run, I question how environmentally friendly this will prove to be in the long run. Also, considering this is coming from a  big company I wonder what the exact motives are behind this project concept. Never the less, I found this to be and interesting solution to the current issue of CO2 emissions in our atmosphere.


  1. Interesting! My first question is how do industries go about collecting all of their CO2 emissions and then put them into a compressor? Obviously there is a way or he wouldn't have made this video, but it sounds tricky and expensive. I like the thought though, but along with you am a little skeptical about how much it would cost and if it would actually bring about a positive change.

  2. I also find this to be an interesting solution, and like you said, although it may be a good idea for the short term, I question how or IF it will affect the core of our earth. And if it is safe. I do like the fact and respect the company for trying to find a solution, I think it is more than what some other companies are trying to do.

  3. I thought the same thing as you about what is going to happen in the coming years. How do we know that this won't create any other negative impacts. I also question how we collect the CO2 emissions. It seems that if this technology was available it would have already been in use.


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