Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3!

My SMART goal for this week was to hold my fast food consumption to only once and to visit the Co-op at least twice for groceries. I fell a little short in my goal for last week but this week I succeeded with flying colors!

To improve my diet at home I made sure to follow my preset schedule and visited the Co-op on Monday and Wednesday for groceries. This allowed me to get the right foods to keep me healthy and full for the entire week. As with last week, I faced the challenge of my friends wanting to get fast food multiple times. I was able to get around it by telling them that I was full on a few of the occasions, and the one time       I actually went with them I got a garden salad instead of a burger and fries.

This week I felt pretty energized and enthusiastic. Actually setting a schedule and following through with it was a good moral boost for me and I usually felt content after eating my meals. It was tough to say no to my friends when they wanted to go get food, but I know I would have felt worse had I actually eaten the fast food.

This week I learned that setting a schedule for myself can really help me stay on track and feel a sense of achievement. I also learned that I can get around my friends desires of eating fast food constantly, which is pretty significant.

I think I will keep my goal almost the same for this next week. The only adjustment I will make is to only eat a salad or soup if I attend a fast food restaurant with my friends.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Eye Opener 2: CSPI

For this eye opener I chose the Tour of the Food Supply website

I clicked on the various pictures on the site to learn about the various steps that go into the industrial food industry. Many of the various facts it covered I already knew, but reading them again refreshed my sickness with the turning wheels of the U.S. food market. I read facts about the horrendous conditions that animals are put through to become meals on our tables and it just makes me want to become a vegetarian. That said, I find my love of meat to be too important to me to give up. Though organic meats are more expensive, they may prove to be a healthy way to keep meat in my diet while having less of an impact on the environment.

All of this information tells me that we as a nation have a lot of issues to address when it comes to the food industry. Though change will be hard and will likely take many years to come into affect, it will be crucial. I fear that if we continue with the way things are we will see a dramatic change in our environment and animal life, not to mention an increase it various negative health conditions in humans.