Thursday, December 8, 2011

Share and Voice 3!

For this share and voice I wanted to challenge you all on an environmental topic that I'm passionate about. This topic happens to be flushing the toilet, or more that we flush it way more then we should. Most modern toilets require around six liters of water to flush, older toilets can require up to eleven liters to be flushed. In both cases, over the course of the day that's a lot of water being wasted in the name of flushing, and I don't like it. While I understand the desire, if not the need to flush the toilet after you poop, I find it ridiculous to flush the toilet after each urination. Urine is not off putting enough of a substance to merit being flushed away immediately. The standard I go by is to only flush after every five urinations. Though the water in the toilet has a more yellow appearance I've noticed no other side effects from not flushing the toilet as frequently, but I have noticed how much water I save by not flushing. I challenge you all to live by the moto: "If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down."

Monday, December 5, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet!

Toxic Emissions

What are they?
They are chemicals and other harmful materials in the air that are hazardous to our health and wellbeing.

Where do they come from?
These emission come from fuel burning devices like cars and machinery, as well as industrial facilities. 

How are people exposed to the emissions?
While inhalation is the easiest way to be exposed to the emissions, one can also be exposed through contaminated food, water, and physical contact with the substances.

What these emissions can lead to?
prolonged exposure to toxic emissions can lead to several health problems which range from birth defects to various forms of cancer.

What has been done about the emissions so far?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has taken a number of measures to limit and regulate toxic emissions created by industries and vehicles, but still emission rates are at large. 
