Thursday, December 8, 2011

Share and Voice 3!

For this share and voice I wanted to challenge you all on an environmental topic that I'm passionate about. This topic happens to be flushing the toilet, or more that we flush it way more then we should. Most modern toilets require around six liters of water to flush, older toilets can require up to eleven liters to be flushed. In both cases, over the course of the day that's a lot of water being wasted in the name of flushing, and I don't like it. While I understand the desire, if not the need to flush the toilet after you poop, I find it ridiculous to flush the toilet after each urination. Urine is not off putting enough of a substance to merit being flushed away immediately. The standard I go by is to only flush after every five urinations. Though the water in the toilet has a more yellow appearance I've noticed no other side effects from not flushing the toilet as frequently, but I have noticed how much water I save by not flushing. I challenge you all to live by the moto: "If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down."


  1. My aunt has that motto hanging up in the bathroom at the cabin! This is something that I don't think of very often, but when you point out how much water is wasted it is quite alarming! I wonder if the water has a yellow tint because the bowl becomes stained? This is something that I will talk to my roommates about.

  2. Good idea! That is what lids are for, so no one has to look at it. I wonder why so much water is used for each flush, seems excessive. It would take special effort for most of use to do this, because I feel like flushing the toilet is second nature for a lot of people. This is a great idea though, and would be a great habit to get into. Just a few benefits: cheaper water bill, less waste in the environment.

  3. I like the idea of this motto and know of people who go by it. I personally though don't use it because I'm too much of a "germ-aphobic" and find it rather gross. I do find it interesting and amazing how much water is used. I like the idea that is becoming more popular of the two different types of flushes that can be used, although I know it will be years before that will be cheap enough to have in a household. Thank you sharing.


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