Monday, October 10, 2011

Eye Opener 2: CSPI

For this eye opener I chose the Tour of the Food Supply website

I clicked on the various pictures on the site to learn about the various steps that go into the industrial food industry. Many of the various facts it covered I already knew, but reading them again refreshed my sickness with the turning wheels of the U.S. food market. I read facts about the horrendous conditions that animals are put through to become meals on our tables and it just makes me want to become a vegetarian. That said, I find my love of meat to be too important to me to give up. Though organic meats are more expensive, they may prove to be a healthy way to keep meat in my diet while having less of an impact on the environment.

All of this information tells me that we as a nation have a lot of issues to address when it comes to the food industry. Though change will be hard and will likely take many years to come into affect, it will be crucial. I fear that if we continue with the way things are we will see a dramatic change in our environment and animal life, not to mention an increase it various negative health conditions in humans.


  1. I agree that we have a ton of issues that need to be addressed. This week I've focused on the fact that step by step as we make changes, others see those and want to make changes as well. Don't be discouraged at how long it takes...just keep walking the walk and talking the talk. We can and WILL make a difference.

  2. I also agree that we have many issues in our food industry that need to be addressed. After watching that movie in class I commented that I wanted to throw away the meat that was already in my freezer, but I didn't, because I'm a poor college student. BUT I am going to start buying organic meat or just not eating as much meat if I can't afford it because the video we watched in class totally freaked me out.


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