Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My SMART Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change!

For my goal I will cut down my eating of fast food to once a week. I will also eat 1 meal everyday (7 days a week) that is exclusively comprised of fresh, organic food.

This goal is Eco-Chic because it will help me cut down on my consumption of processed foods while increasing my consumption of locally grown whole foods. This reflects my desire to move away from foods with shady, unknown compositions and origins and closer to foods that're happy, healthy, and unprocessed. 

This plan is important to me for a couple reasons. First and formost, I am overweight and I wish to return to a healthier weight. Over the course of last spring and this summer I've been on a diet of fast food probably 3-4 times a week. I am now 20 lbs. overweight and I feel bloated, gross, and ashamed of myself. By following this plan I will cut back on these fatty foods and be able to support my exercise regiment in an effective maner.

The second reason that I am doing this plan is that I want to become a better example of a health educator and promoter. I feel hypocritical because I currently seldom eat organic and healthy foods. This plan will help me form healthy eating habits so that I can lead by example with my friends and family. 


  1. What a great SMART goal, Alex! Eating out has been an issue with myself and my daughter. We are ALWAYS on the go. We've started putting food in the crock pot so that when we get home late, we have a nice meal to come home too. I too would love to incorporate more organic foods into our diet. Sometimes I feel the Whole Foods Coop is too far away when I really want something from there. I look forward to helping you accomplish your goal over the course of the semester.

  2. This is also a goal that I really need to work on! I really want to eat healthy all the time, but being on the go it's easier to stop for food on the way to work after class instead of packing a dinner or something. I work at a gas station and I tend to get hungry when I'm working so I grab a bag of chips or something else that is equally unhealthy. I want to start packing my lunches and snacks and stuff, and shopping at the co-op. I'm very curious to hear how this goes for you and to get tips and tricks from you throughout this change.

  3. Alex, I really like your SMART goal(s). I think cutting down on fast food is something we can all work on! The second part of your goal, might be more of a challenge but I am confident that you can do it! It is so easy to eat foods that are convenient and less expensive, and getting out of that habit is sometimes difficult to do. It will take planning and practice and I wish you all the best and look forward to reading your update!


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