Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4!!

My goal for this week was to maintain my good track record from the previous week and to choose a healthy alternative if/when I went to a fast food establishment. I was successful in making healthier choices at fast food places, but I ended up eating out twice this week.

I think why I ate out multiple times this week is because of how busy my week was. I had and still do have a lot of papers, projects, and exams to take care of over the next two weeks and it's been rather stressful. I tend to opt for simple processed foods in these times of major stress, which is a habit that I need  to work on breaking. I was proud of myself though in that I bought salad and yogurt for my meals instead of french fries. I know it's still fast food but I felt better about choosing the best options I had available at the time.

I felt mostly stress this week as I haven't had much time to feel anything else. Hopefully I will be feeling relief soon, once I get my classwork out of the way.

I learned this week that when the going gets rough I have a tendency to revert to my less than healthy former eating habits. This is something that I am now aware of and can plan to prepare for in the future.

My plan will remain the same for next week, with a few tweaks. I will prepare healthy meals in head of time at the beginning of the week so that they'll just as convenient as fast food alternatives. This should effectively counteract my desire for eating something simple and fatty.


  1. When I am stressed all I want to do is eat what is available and quick, even if it's not the best choice. Even when I am studying or writing papers I find myself constantly snacking even if I am not hungry. Your idea to plan your meals will be clutch for the busy times! Keep trying to plan your meals for the week or even the night before. Choosing the healthier items at "fast food" places is definitely something you should be proud of!

  2. I also eat more and less healthy when I am stressed. Planning your meals is a really good idea, taking a lot of stress off having to figure out what you're going to have for your meals. Good job keeping up with your goal!

  3. I too love to snack when I'm stressed. I fixed this by simply not purchasing snack items such as chips and candy when I go to the store. Purchasing sugar snap peas is one way I can snack and enjoy something healthy. Green beans are also a great snack, if you are tired of fruit. Those are just some suggestions that I could come up with for eating while stressing! You're doing a great job with your SMART goal. Don't give up!!!


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