Monday, October 24, 2011

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

For this eye opener I went to the website to see what the threat level my cosmetics have on the environment. I don't use a whole lot of cosmetics, but I do use shampoo, condition, body wash, body spray, and deodorant. For this assignment I looked at my body wash, spray, and deodorant since they are all the same brand (Old Spice) and fragrance. Across the board all the products had a rating of 4-5, which means its on the low end of moderate safety. I tried to find ingredient listings but data was limited on these products. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised with how low the products scored on the safety scale. In particular I expected the body spray to have a much higher danger rating. That said, this assignment has made me think about how much I really need all of the products I use. When it comes down to it, all I really need is deodorant, shampoo, and conditioner. If I could cut out body wash and body spray I may be able to cut down on my environmental footprint.


  1. I don't think you really need to cut out those products, but maybe just look for things with lower scores. It's interesting to see the impact things we are using without thinking have on the environment.

  2. Sometimes it is hard to give up something that we feel completely comfortable with, be it a warm sweatshirt or the types of shampoo and conditioner we use. It isn't until we see what type of imprint we are leaving on our environment that we really open our eyes to those things. Even though Old Spice scored moderately low, I'll bet there are ones on the market that are lower that are just as effective and you wouldn't have to stop using body wash or spray!!! I'll be keeping this website handy for future products that I may purchase. I hope you do the same.

  3. At first I didn't like reading the report about the product I looked up because it was a real eye-opener. Some things in our lives are necessities but looking for safer alternatives can help with the environment. I know for myself that I can't give up lip balm but I am going to look for a safer brand!


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