Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2!

1. My goal for this week was to eat fast food only once while eating more whole foods.

2. I was able to limit my fast food consumption to only once this week, but I struggled a bit with consistently eating whole foods. I was rather busy throughout the week so I ended up eating simple fast meals instead of taking the time to make a quality meal. I also failed to make it to the co-op this week so I was unable to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables. My friends and girlfriend aren't big on eating healthy whole foods much so that has been somewhat of a challenge for me. All in all though I thought it was a decent start to my program.

3. I felt a little frustrated with myself for not making it to the co-op. Every time I ate a processed meal I kept thinking how I could and should be eating something better for me. As for fast food, it was hard to resist at first but after a few days I basically forgot about it which came to me as a relief.

4. This week I learned that I need to work on forming new habits. I'm not used to making trips to the co-op, so including that into my patterns will be important. I think with fast food its simply going to be a matter of willpower, and getting better at saying no to my friends when they want to go.

5. I think I will continue with my current plan for next week, however, I will also include an itinerary for the week so that I don't forget anything.


  1. Good job only getting fast food once this week! I'm interested to hear what you end up getting at the co-op and how making whole food meals goes, good luck!

  2. Whole Foods can be a hard place to get too, but I know you'll make it there. I too would love to make it there, but it always seems as if I'm too busy to make it. Sounds like a bunch of excuses...and they probably are. Just need to do it. Maybe we should make a time to go this week.

  3. I am happy to read that you were able to cut down on your fast food consumption!! I agree that it is a challenge when those around you aren't eating the things you want to be, but that will come with time. Finding the time to plan and go get the foods we want is sometimes the hardest, but stick with it and eventually it will become a habit! Hopefully this week you will have some more time to go buy the foods you want :)


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